Monday, November 29, 2010

Marathon Mama!

Bet you thought I was going to announce my running of a marathon....NOPE...not a chance. I'm here to introduce you to my amazing Mama who is in fact preparing for a FULL Marathon! I plan to be there to cheer her on! Take a hop over to her totally awesome blog called 26.2 Grandma. My Mama has always been successful with anything she puts her mind too! She is the most determined person I know. I am proud to call her my Mother. I believe in you Mom, thank you for always believing in me.
Love your daughter,


Lesia said...

Yep that's your mom alright! And what a cute wallpaper you have, you have been busy since this

Marsha said...

Wow, what a cute Christmas look to your blog. I love it! Yes, and I thought when I saw your title on my blog you were going to do it too! I always fall for that kinda stuff, but you know that. Guess one crazy lady in the family is enough.