Thursday, January 13, 2011

Happy New Year

With a New Year comes new goals. I am looking forward to a fresh start this year. Many changes and advances are in store for my family and I. My heart is full of joy, I am thankful for all I have. I am thankful for my family, especially Mike who works day and night to support our family. God blessed me with a hard working talented husband who makes me happy, with children who are the light of my life and a Mother who lifts me up and loves me endlessly.
This year I will be throwing myself into Midwifery so I don't see a visit to Utah in the near future although Mike is planning one without me. I have placed all my ducks in a row by getting a live in nanny, placing Violet in a charter school...yes school... which she is enjoying. I'm glad she is having fun. She often comes home to tell me how she already knows what they learned that day. Yes, this makes me feel good that I kept her right on track. She is so bright in Math, I'm proud of my little girl. I've let go of several other responsibilities in order to focus and accomplish my goal of becoming a midwife in 3 or less years. Attending birth gives me a baby fix and so no need to get pregnant. Must focus and stay not pregnant.
So Happy New Year. :)



Cyn said...

May it be a wonderful year for you and your family! Sounds like you did a lot of pre-planning and it's working out for you! Can't wait to hear your progress and your love!

Marsha said...

Good you can get your baby fix somewhere else! Booo hooo on the no Utah visits, look like I'll have to run over to Arizona again.