Monday, January 17, 2011

And So It Begins...

As I embark on my Midwives Apprenticeship I am finally at peace with where the energy of the world has placed me for my education. Although nervous about the unknown I am anticipating a challenge unlike any I have ever encountered prior to this. I think about the sleep deprivation and the breaking points this will bring. I wonder what will be my first life changing challenge and how I will deal with said challenge? Will I be bright enough to grasp each concept and level enough to carry them out? Will I be connected enough to my intuition and the Spirit to follow its lead? I have great anticipation to be a part of the beauty that is birth and the love that surrounds this sacred rite of passage. I look forward to discovering the best and the worst of myself. I've heard that the path to becoming a Midwife does just that. In some ways I see it being as emotionally challenging as surrogacy. I am up for this challenge. I look forward to all I will learn and am grateful for those I will learn from. I'm truly blessed.
Becoming a Midwife is my hearts desire, what I am determined to be. I am meant to be here. now. following my dream.


Cyn said...

Good luck Alicia!! You're going to be great!!

SurroMom said...

Ditto what Cyn said! You will be an awesome midwife!!! SOOOO happy for you!! :]

Marsha said...

So, this sounds like mother, like daughter. We are so alike. You do it with a midwife apprenticeship, I do it to myself with a marathon. I think that if we both use the Dahn yoga to center and connect to self we will both cherish what is ahead for us.