Thursday, December 30, 2010

Career Progress Update for Mike and Alicia

I will start with Mike. He had been working at a boat place that made plenty of promises to provide the work and comfortable income that we would need to support our family but they just did not come through with them. Mike was getting very little hours and they did not give him the raise after 30 days as promised. So, Mike quit his job on Tuesday and drove around to every well know custom chopper building shop in the valley hoping to find a job opening. Although several were interested none were hiring, he then proceeded to ask each shop who does their paint jobs as he is an excellent painter and a talented artist. From every single one of the eight shops he visited, he received the same answer "Steel Visions Design". So as the Universe was pointing him to Steel Visions he found their location and asked if they were hiring. They in fact were! They said they had two other guys coming to interview that day in about two hours. Mike asked for a hands on interview offering to show them what he's made of for FREE! Well, as with most people you can't pass up some FREE labor so they agreed. They let him choose between body working a fender or a gas tank he choose the fender and they left him alone to work telling him he had the rest of the day to finish. About an hour into his work they came to check on his progress. He had both parts going, working on each one as the other one dried (Mike says this only makes sense not to sit around during dry time.) They were very surprised by his progress and ambition. He got done in one hour what they expected him to take the rest of the day on. So they canceled the other interviews and had him fill out paperwork on the spot. The company was also very excited about his pending graduation from MMI since he knows how to disassemble and reassemble the bikes for paint and send them out the door within specs. They did not have someone with the capability to get the bike running again after paint. They would outsource to other mechanics for this. They also did not have someone who can fabricate fiberglass parts and Mike is great at this. So, overall both parties are thrilled, Mike so much that he has not slept for two nights. So he was up bright and early this morning getting ready for work. A happy husband makes for a happy wife. Yep I'm bragging about my Man, but I can do that because he is mine. God really does answer prayers.  Happiness.
Steel Vision Design by Eric Carr specializes in custom motorcycle painting for Phoenix, Anthem, Surprise, Peoria, Glendale, Scottsdale and all Arizona.
Click the graphic to see their website :)

My Apprenticeship is a slow progression and although I am doing it I still have not decided on whether or not this practice is the match for me. I have some other prospective considerations that I will be looking into but for now I will continue with where I'm at till I am sure of what direction my education will take.
Hooray for following our dreams.



Marsha said...

What a great blessing in your life. It sounds like things are coming together in a good direction, hang in there and see how it pans out.

Cyn said...

Wow!! Unbelievable tale for such a wonderful family! There are few greater blessings than loving where you work. I am so happy that he's found happiness and had the guts to go get it!
You keep on reaching for your dreams too.
Man your kids are learning some incredible life skills all wrapped up in love!!